Two steps forward, one step back

Two steps forward, one step back

Replicability and clinical relevance of potential biomarkers in depression and ADHD

by Noralie Krepel

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digital edition

number of pages: 241

ISBN: 9789083001326

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About this book

A study of the potential of biomarkers to make informed treatment decisions and increase the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment as a path forward to stratified psychiatry and eventually personalized medicine.


Brainclinics Insights is proud to provide the results of Noralie’s thorough research as a free download.

About the author

Noralie Krepel

Noralie Krepel received a broadly oriented education at University College Maastricht, where she quickly discovered her passion for doing scientific research. After further developing this interest during her MSc Neuropsychology at Maastricht University, she started work at Kempenhaeghe, centre of expertise in epilepsy, sleeping disorders and neurocognition. Here she had the opportunity to experience the clinical as well as the scientific research side of psychology.

Her research interests mainly revolve around the functionality of the brain and how human behaviour can be explained by studying this. She is fascinated by the idea of how the brain, a bodily organ of only 1.5-2 kilograms, can direct not only bodily functions but also the functionality of the human body in a bidirectional combination with the environment. Therefore, studying the link between human behaviour and a (non)-optimally functioning brain is a research topic in which she is strongly interested.
Noralie’s research project and PhD focused on studying treatment outcome of techniques such as neurofeedback and neuromodulation in patients with depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. More specifically, her research is focused on investigating whether certain EEG and sleep variables can predict treatment outcome. Noralie is also involved in EEG and neuropsychological assessments.