Handboek Neurofeedback bij ADHD

About this book
Neurofeedback is a strongly emerging treatment that is increasingly being used in the Netherlands. Recent research has shown that Neurofeedback for the treatment of ADHD can be seen as a proven effective treatment method. This book provides an overview of what ADHD actually entails in the clinical, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological field. Furthermore, this book describes how Neurofeedback is used as a treatment method for ADHD, as well as the psychological embedding of Neurofeedback in practice. The application and results of neurofeedback in epilepsy and autism are also briefly mentioned. Reading this book will make you aware of all the latest developments of Neurofeedback with ADHD.
This book is intended for professionals who want to delve into Neurofeedback and its application in practice as well as for people who want to delve into neurobiology, neuropsychology and treatment of ADHD. This book is also interesting for psychology, medicine and orthopedagogics students.
A large team of experts and researchers have contributed to this book, compiled by Martijn Arns, including: Jan Buitelaar, Else Dahmen, Johan Fekkes, Willem Fonteijn, Berrie Gerrits, Mirjam Kouijzer, Ger Loots, Jan de Moor, Derk Mulder, Peter van Nunen, Ben Reitsma, Sabine de Ridder, Dagmar Timmers, Dorothea Timmers-Huigens and Roland Verment. Contains a preface written by Joel Lubar, a Neurofeedback pioneer who published about the first application of Neurofeedback to ADHD in 1976.
About the author(s)
Martijn Arns

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