The goal is to develop clinically actionable biomarkers, that should generalize to ‘unseen’ data, so we have marked 30% of clinical and treatment outcome data as REPLICATION. These are blinded for prospective validation and replication purposes. Interested researchers can share (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) their diagnostic or treatment-outcome predictions on these REPLICATION data with us, so we can perform a ‘blinded out-of-sample’ validation for them, and post the results on this page, so that reviewers for journals can also consult this independent validation of their algorithms. Conversely, reviewers or editors faced with ‘too good to be true’ claims, can refer researchers to this resource, to perform validations and share them with us for verification and publication. We hope this will accelerate the discovery and validation of clinically actionable biomarkers that we hope will soon benefit patients and improve psychiatric and neurological care in the clinic.
We’re using nPPV as primary outcome, the table below is sorted with best results on top. Our focus is on ADHD and MDD, so OCD results are omitted.