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The Brainclinics Foundation

Applied Neuroscience from the clinic,to the clinic

Research Institute Brainclinics was founded in 2001 as an independent research institute and specializes in advancing our understanding of the brain; applied neuroscience to improve treatments for ADHD, Depression and OCD.  The results of our research are a valuable aid in the treatment and prevention of symptoms such as mood-, concentration-, impulse control-, and sleep-problems, often seen in disorders such as depression, ADHD, and insomnia. Our expertise extends to the development and application of brain stimulation techniques, such as rTMS for depression and OCD, TMS induced Heart-Brain Coupling and EEG based precision psychiatry and stratified psychiatry for Depression and ADHD.


Our TMS Masterclass & Certification course takes you from the basics of TMS and Brain Stimulation, to exciting new developments in this field with world renown speakers from all over the...


Get access to our Brainclinics resources, such as books, theses and the open access TDBRAIN EEG dataset with more than 1200 EEG’s and descriptive data.


Read more about our scientific publications and articles over the years.








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08 March 2025
Thrilled to announce our publication in Brain Stimulation Journal on the largest case series to date on right OFC-TMS as an add-on to standard left DLPFC-TMS in major depression. A big thank-you to Salience Health for contributing data on over 3500 patients, and to our phenomal co-authors including Martijn Arns, Victoria Middleton, Jennifer Bowman, Nancy Donachie, Joseph Kriske, John Kriske, Alexander Sack, Nikita van der Vinne, Jonathan Downa...
01 March 2025
Aandacht in FD voor ons initiatief om behandeling van ernstige depressie met behulp van ketamine in Nederland toegankelijk te maken op zorgvuldige en kosteneffectieve wijze: Marc Scot Aline de Haan Jet Kranendonk Het Financieele Dagblad Alwine de Jong Maarten van Poll #depressie #depressiebehandeling #ketamine #psychiatrie #ggz
15 February 2025
Large piece in Dutch newspaper on use of Brainmarker-I (alpha frequency based EEG biomarker) in clinical practice. Congrats Nikita van der Vinne and Synaeda. See links in comments below re further scientific backgrounds and validation studies.
15 February 2025
Bij een Friese ggz-instelling krijgen patiënten met een depressie medicatie voorgeschreven op basis van hersenonderzoek. ‘Onze werkwijze is geen wondermiddel’, zegt gezondheidszorgpsycholoog Nikita van der Vinne. ‘Wij kunnen niet met zekerheid voorspellen welk middel voor jou werkt. Wat we wel kunnen zien is bij welk middel de kans groter is dat het aanslaat.’ Lees meer via deze link:
15 February 2025
Congrats Synaeda and Nikita van der Vinne, great to see a good piece on Brainmarker-I use in Depression in one of the major newspapers! And that's only on stratification between antidepressants, not even including stratification between TMS protocols!
15 January 2025
TMS is cost-effective for treatment resistant depression relative to the next pharmacological treatment step. Congrats Iris Dalhuisen and colleagues.
15 December 2024
Look forward to, see you there?
15 November 2024
Where AI meets EEG biomarkers: Here we used AI/Deep-Learning trained to identify 'spindling excessive beta' activity, and could demonstrate this hypoarousal EEG signature is caused by sleep maintenance problems and is specifically linked to impulse control problems independent of DSM diagnosis. In addition, this signature was associated with ADHD diagnostic status in a sex-specific manner and predicted response to Sertraline in depression specif...
15 October 2024
Time to start with an EEG before TMS treatment! 18Hz and 20Hz TMS target a different MDD sub-population relative to 10Hz TMS, offering great potential to stratify patients based on individual alpha frequency using EEG. This was a great collaboration, great thanks to BrainsWay and Abraham Zangen for sharing their dTMS 18Hz EEG data and Salience TMS Neuro Solutions, LLC, Jonathan Downar, Victoria Middleton for sharing th...
15 October 2024
Interessant 20 jarig jubileumcongres van NedKAD met veel interessante topics, van psychedelica, exposure therapie tot brain stimulation en onze bijdrage waarin we de vraag beantwoorden of we klaar zijn voor biomarkers in de klinische praktijk: Precisie Psychiatrie vs Stratified Psychiatrie.

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